Tue, 14 May 2024 11:00:00 +0200
Peace and good! We had the luck, joy, and honor of receiving the Mother Superior of the Poor Clares Convent in La Laguna (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), Mother Pilar, Sister Clara, and Samuel. Our Congregations maintain very fraternal ties, and Mother Montserrat Brescó, Superior of the Residence in Huesca, put great effort into giving detailed explanations during the visit to the House Museum about the building's rehabilitation project, the complex House Museum project, and the life and work of Father Saturnino during his most fruitful period while living in this house. The Poor Clares Sisters have a superb Museum of Sacred Art at the Convent of La Laguna, open to the public and a hidden gem. Therefore, they were also interested in the technology used in ours.
Clarisas La Laguna
Visit of the Mother Superior of the Santa Clara Convent in La Laguna
14 May de 2024
Peace and good! We had the luck, joy, and honor of receiving the Mother Superior of the Poor Clares Convent in La Laguna (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), Mother Pilar, Sister Clara, and Samuel. Our Congregations maintain very fraternal ties, and Mother Montserrat Brescó, Superior of the Residence in Huesca, put great effort into giving detailed explanations during the visit to the House Museum about the building's rehabilitation project, the complex House Museum project, and the life and work of Father Saturnino during his most fruitful period while living in this house. The Poor Clares Sisters have a superb Museum of Sacred Art at the Convent of La Laguna, open to the public and a hidden gem. Therefore, they were also interested in the technology used in ours.
Clarisas La Laguna